Tag Archives: Lemhi County Historical Society

Salmon River Corridor Educational Series Program: “Central Idaho’s Wild Salmon and Steelhead: What Was; What Is; What Can Be” by Russ Thurow, Fisheries Research Scientist (USFS, Rocky Mountain Research Station) – with Zoom Option

Zoom meeting connection:

Topic: Central Idaho’s Wild Salmon and Steelhead
Time: May 19, 2022 07:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

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Meeting ID: 848 7289 2120
Passcode: 302624
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/keJwnHP7zv

Founding First Ladies of the United States by Judy Washbon – December 3, 2020, at 7:00 PM — ZOOM Presentation

A compilation of brief biographies and stories of our founding first ladies. Who were these strong partners, wives, helpmates, and lovers of our famous founding fathers? What do we know and remember about their lives, accomplishments and relationships with their famous counterparts? Program includes
Martha Washington, Abigail Adams, Dolley Madison, and the wives and romances of Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson. Sponsored by the Lemhi County Historical Society and the Sacajawea Center. Donations welcome.

WhenThu Dec 3, 2020 7pm – 8:15pm Mountain Time – Boise
Wherehttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/81018206623?pwd=S1R6TmRrcVdFS1hHbWM5RGp6S1ZvUT09 (map)
WhoLemhi County Museum and Sacajawea Center

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Meeting ID: 810 1820 6623
Passcode: 493123
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+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Meeting ID: 810 1820 6623
Passcode: 493123
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kd494AYtRu